Tuesday, May 8, 2012

10 Tips to Squeeze in Exercise

One of the most common reasons people give for why they DON'T live an active lifestyle is a lack of time.  I believe that there are ways to incorporate exercise into your everyday life little by little.  Here are 10 strategies I've found to help combat this common obstacle.  They're not new strategies, but they work. ;)

1) Multitask - add simple body weight exercises to mundane daily life tasks - do squats while brushing your teeth, hold a static squat while drying your hair, do 20 jumping jacks while you're waiting for your food to heat up in the microwave, take the steps at work, park at the far end of the parking lot...by incorporating exercise into regular activities, it becomes more of a habit, and more manageable to fit into a busy schedule.

2) Walk the dog - if you're a pet owner, you know the importance of giving your pet time to exercise.  Walk with your dog daily...do intervals while you walk - 20 steps at a 'normal' pace, 20 steps at a brisk pace (if you're really feeling adventurous, jog a little).  By picking up the pace, you will not only walk FARTHER, gotten some fresh air, but you will have elevated your heart rate and helping the body to release endorphins (translation - instant mood boost).

3) Play kids' games - How do you balance time with the family and time for you?  Incorporate your kids into your workout!  Play tag, kickball, have races in the back yard...any number of things you did as a child.  You'll feel good knowing that you're getting to spend quality time with your family and instilling the importance of exercise in your children.

4)  Use commercial breaks wisely.  You've had a hard day and you just want to unwind in front of the TV.  Believe it or not, the TV is not the enemy.  Use commercial breaks to do pushups, ab work, lunges, jump jacks, etc.  You'll get approximately 3-5 minutes of exercise per break...so by the end of your favorite hour long show, you've gotten 20-30 minutes of exercise in.

5) Wake up 10 minutes earlier.  Use those 10 minutes to do cardio type activities - jumping jacks, jump rope, and more.  The first few mornings will be hard, but think about how good you'll feel all day long.

6) Bring on the video games - gaming systems such as the Wii have TONS of games that help you sneak in exercise.  The fitness specific ones are obvious choices, but even games like JUST DANCE will help get your heart rate going.  Play with the family (or friends) and laugh your way through a 30 minute workout.

7) Do walking lunges through the house when walking from room to room...or while waiting for your coffee to brew...do glute squeezes while waiting in line at the store (no one has to know and if they do, who cares?).  Strength training builds muscle and muscle burns more than fat.  Bye bye calories!

8) Bike or walk to work or walk during your lunch break.  You don't have to get super sweaty in the middle of your workday, just get up and get moving.  Most jobs today require hours of sitting - super hard on the body.  Get the blood flowing and avoid that nasty mid afternoon energy crash.

9) Schedule your workout!  Simple, yet effective.  Put your workout down (in writing or text) on your daily calendar.  Treat it the same way you would treat a doctor's appointment.  Don't give yourself an 'out.'  I bet after the first month it becomes habit. ;)

10) Recruit a friend - we all wish we had more time with our friends.  Make a workout date of it!  Go walking, take a class, hire a trainer together, whatever!  Research indicates that those who workout with a friend stick with fitness programs together.  Your BFF lives 3 states away?  Make a phone date - use your phone call time to go for a walk.  By the end of the walk, your conversation will probably involve shorter sentences (as you catch your breath), but once again, just get moving!

Looking for more ways to incorporate exercise into your daily life?  Contact me to set up an individualized plan that will work with YOUR schedule.  

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